Wednesday, September 06, 2006

United 93

I finally got a chance to see the film "United 93". It is directed by the same guy who directed "Bourne Supremacy". For those who don't know what it is about.In summary, it is a real life account of events that happened on September 11,2001 including the hijacking of flight United 93 which eventually crashed near Shanksville,Pennsylvania as passengers attempted to foil the terrorists plans.
What I loved about this film was the realism involved. I went along like I was watching the events occur for the first time. We see the passengers,hijackers etc but there was no background given to me to know more about them. It was as if I was there with them getting to know them as the events unfolded. The realism was also attributed to the fact that unknown actors were used to portray the passengers and terrorists. Also the real air traffic controllers and military were also used which accredited to it's realism. The films switches back and forth between onboard the plane, the National Air Traffic Control Tower,airport control towers,regional air traffic stations, and a miltary command center.We see what they see when it happens. The film goes through the events starting with the terrorists preparing the previos evening to the moment United 93 hit the ground. What was really amazing is watching out the window as the ground comes closer and closer till blackness and we have the end of the film in the same manner it started.
A couple of scenes that really stick out to me are when we are in one of the air traffic control towers and we see a blip with the words American 11 moving and then it vanishes. This gave me the chills knowing that the reason it vanished was because it had hit the north tower of the World Trade Center. And the next thing you know you seen the towers in a distance from that tower and see smoke coming from it's side. Another scene that struck me is when everyone is calling their loved ones to say goodbye. That was really powerful. In all I reommend people to see this movie to see how unprepared we were when this happened and to see the heroism involved with those passengers who attempted to thwart an evil plan set into motion only to give their lives. United 93 is R for language and some scenes of intense horror and violence

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First Post and Statement

This is my blog relating to one of my greatest loves, the movies. I will be reviewing movies that I see in the theater or watch for the first time. I will give my honest opinion on how I feel about a film. I won't be putting in symblolic metaphors or anything else like that, but how I and any other average joe sees a movies. I don't only like movies with eye-candy so I am not one of those type of movie watchers. I like deep movies, I just don't try to get the deeper meaning in movies. I like movies for what they do. They make me laugh, cry or even feel like a million bucks. So here it goes and feel free to comment about my reviews because I want to hear what others think to. So without further adieu welcome to J-man's reviews for the average joe