Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Sweeney Todd Review

Another musical has made it onto the big screen. Now most of these musicals I haven't even seen on stage so I can't say whether they do justice to the original theatrical production. I've heard of Sweeney Todd and how dark and morbid of a musical it is but I had no idea how dark it was until I watched it. You will definitely get sick of seeing arterial spray coming out of slit throats which is the reason why it has it's R rating. The blood isn't realistic looking which is a good thing. They used orange paint for the blood which is in respect to the theatre version which also used the same effect. With its rivers of blood, this adaptation of the Stephen Sondheim musical isn't for the faint of heart--or stomach. Johnny Depp stars as Benjamin Barker aka Sweeney Todd, a barber falsely imprisoned by Judge Turpin (Alan Rickman). After leaving prison, he comes back to Victorian London to find his wife poisoned and his daughter held captive. As he plots his revenge, Sweeney joins forces with Mrs. Lovett (Helena Bonham Carter), and while he preys on clients asking for a shave, his new partner turns the bodies into baked goods. But the judge still lives, and the razor-wielding madman wants his vengeance. Who would of thought that Johnny Depp could sing and sing well at that. The songs in the film are addicting and is the best horror musical in my opinion since Little Shop of Horrors. The gore does make you wince when you witness the first throat being slit in detail and hearing the thud and crack of bodies as they are dumped down the chute. This is Johnny Depp's best performace as an actor to date. You can truely feel his rage and pain of a shell of a man bent on revenge. It also has a very good moral of revenge best being served cold. If you don't mind the blood and gore it is a very good adaptation of a musical